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Latest Articles - Page 8

John Kapuranis

Q&A with John Kapuranis, MEMBERS Financial Services’ Newest Advisor

John joined MEMBERS Financial Services, the team that provides financial and investment planning services to Sunward members.

Tax paperwork with a calculator, glasses, and pencil laying on top

Tax Documents Mailing Schedule

2023 IRS tax forms generated by Sunward will be mailed by these dates and will also be available in online banking. 

Sunward Board of Directors Election and Annual Membership Meeting Notice

As directed by Sunward's bylaws, a Nominating Committee has been appointed to carry out the election of the Board of Directors. 

Shred Event

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who participated in our fall, “Shred Your Documents for a Cause,” event on October 28!

Sunward 75th Anniversary Party

Sunward Hosts 75th Anniversary Party

On Saturday, October 21, Sunward hosted a celebration at its Jefferson branch honoring the Credit Union’s 75th anniversary.

Group of college students

Navigating Student Debt

If you are one of the 43 million Americans with a federal student loan, then you know that after more than three years, loan payments resume in October 2023.