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Type | Term | APR 1 | Payment Per $1,000 Financed |
New & Used Vehicle | Up to 36 months | As low as 5.250% APR | $30.08 |
New & Used Vehicle | 37-48 months | As low as 5.400% APR | $23.21 |
New & Used Vehicle | 49-60 months | As low as 5.900% APR | $19.29 |
New & Used Vehicle | 61-72 months | As low as 6.250% APR | $16.69 |
New Vehicle | 73-84 months | As low as 6.250% APR | $14.73 |
1 APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Non-variable rate loans, 100% financing available including tax, title, license and extended warranties. All loans subject to credit approval. Available rate is based on credit history and location, and term and rate may be higher than rates listed here. Not everyone will qualify for the lowest rate. Rates subject to change without notice. Vehicles from the current or two previous model years and mileage =<25,000 qualify for new car rates.
Type | Notes | Term | APR 3 | Payment Per $1,000 Financed |
New Recreational Vehicles | 80% financing available | Up to 180 months | As low as 7.750% APR | $9.41 |
Used Recreational Vehicles | Previous model year and up to 10 years old: 80% financing available | Up to 180 months | As low as 7.750% APR | $9.41 |
New Motorcycles, ATVs, Boats, Boat Motors, Trailers | 80% financing available | Up to 120 months | As low as 7.500% APR | $11.87 |
Used Motorcycles, ATVs, Boats, Boat Motors, Trailers | Previous model year and up to 10 years old: 80% financing available | Up to 120 months | As low as 7.500% APR | $11.87 |
3 Fixed-rate loan; rates offered subject to change; not everyone will qualify for lowest rate. Available rate is based on credit history and location, and term and rate may be higher than rate(s) listed here. All loans subject to credit approval. Term based on amount financed.
Balance | Dividend Rate 1 | APY2 |
$0.01 - $2,499.99 | 0% DR | 0% APY |
$2,500.00 - $24,999.99 | 0.75% DR | 0.75% APY |
$25,000.00 - $49,999.99 | 1.00% DR | 1.01% APY |
$50,000.00 - $99,999.99 | 2.00% DR | 2.02% APY |
$100,000.00 - $249,999.99 | 2.50% DR | 2.53% APY |
$250,000.00+ | 2.75% DR | 2.79% APY |
Business Money Maker Accounts cannot be used for courtesy pay or bill payments in Sunward online and mobile banking.
1Dividend rate and APY may change at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
2APY = Annual Percentage Yield. DR = Dividend rate. APY applies if dividends are not withdrawn during the term. Share accounts are federally insured to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the U S. Government. Yields are determined at the time of investment. Membership required.|
Type | APR 1 | Notes | Features |
Visa Signature® | 16.50% to 18.00% | This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. Earn 1.50% monthly rebate on purchases. | No annual fee, no balance transfer fee |
Visa Platinum® Rebate | 16.00% to 18.00% | This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. Earn 1.00% monthly rebate on purchases. | No annual fee, no balance transfer fee |
Visa Platinum® Value | 13.75% to 16.25% | This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. | No annual fee, no balance transfer fee |
Visa Platinum® Value Secured | 15.75% | This APR will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. | No annual fee, no balance transfer fee |
1 APR = Annual Percentage Rate. No penalty APR. $5 cash advance fee, 1% international transaction fee. Up to $25 late payment fee, up to $25 over-the-credit-limit fee, up to $25 returned payment fee. Check with Sunward for additional details.
Type | Term | Rate 1st 7 Years | APR | Current Calculation of Rate Remaining Term1 | Payment Per $1,000 Financed |
7/1 1st | 30 Years | As low as 5.875% | As low as 6.036% | 7.375% | $5.92 |
Jumbo2 7/1 1st | 30 Years | As low as 5.875% | As low as 6.036% | 7.375% | $5.92 |
7/1 >80% 1st | 30 Years | As low as 6.125% | As low as 6.300% | 7.375% | $6.08 |
Jumbo2 7/1 >80% 1st | 30 Years | As low as 6.125% | As low as 6.300% | 7.375% | $6.08 |
APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rate and payments adjust once every year after the first 7 years. Rate is variable and can increase by no more than 3.50% at the first adjustment and by no more than 2.00% at each 1-year adjustment with a lifetime cap of 5.00%.
Valid for adjustable rate first mortgages for owner occupied properties. Construction loans are excluded from this offer. Up to 97% maximum loan-to-value for first-time homebuyers, 95% loan-to-value for all other purchases. Rate for the remaining term adjusts once every year after the first 7 years and is based on the then-current index plus margin, rounded to the nearest eighth of a percentage point, and subject to the floor rate of 4.00%. Index is the one-month average yield of the 10-Year Treasury Note. Rates subject to change; check with Sunward for current rates. Available rate based current credit history. Not everyone will qualify for the lowest rate. Third party fees may apply in certain circumstances. Additional fees may apply outside New Mexico. Survey fee may be required. You will receive an estimate of closing costs when you apply. Consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest. You must insure the property that secures the loan. Fees subject to change without notice. If loan does not close, fees incurred will be charged to the member. APR Calculations are based on the following loan amounts for properties located in New Mexico or California: Non-Jumbo: $180,000, Jumbo: $766,550. All loans subject to credit approval. Contact Sunward for details.
1 Since the index in the future is unknown, the Current Calculation of the Rate for the Remaining Term displayed is based on the current index plus margin (fully indexed rate) as of the date above, subject to the floor rate of 4.00%
2 For loans over $766,550
Type | Term | Rate 1st 15 Years | APR | Payment Per $1,000 Financed |
15/15 1st | 30 Years | As low as 6.625% | As low as 6.830% | $6.40 |
Jumbo1 15/15 1st | 30 Years | As low as 6.625% | As low as 6.830% | $6.40 |
APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rate and payments adjust only once at 15 years. Rate is variable and can increase by no more than 6.00% at the 15 year adjustment.
Valid for adjustable rate first mortgages for owner occupied properties. Construction loans are excluded from this offer. Maximum loan-to-value is 95%. Rate for the remaining term adjusts at 15 years and is based on the then-current index plus margin, rounded to the nearest eighth of a percentage point, and subject to the floor rate of 4.00%. Index is the one-month average yield of the 10-Year United States Treasury Security. Rates subject to change; check with Sunward for current rates. Available rate based on credit history. Not everyone will qualify for lowest rate. Third party fees may apply in certain circumstances. Additional fees may apply outside New Mexico. Survey fee may be required. You will receive an estimate of closing costs when you apply. Consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest. You must insure the property that secures the loan. Fees subject to change without notice. If loan does not close, fees incurred will be charged to the member. APR Calculations are based on the following loan amounts for properties located in New Mexico or California: Non-Jumbo: $180,000, Jumbo: $766,550. All loans subject to credit approval. Contact Sunward for details.
1 For loans over $766,550
Type | Term | Rate 1st 5 Years | APR | Current Calculation of Rate Remaining Term 1 | Payment Per $1,000 Financed |
5/5 1st | 30 Years | As low as 5.875% | As low as 6.036% | 6.625% | $5.92 |
Jumbo 2 5/5 1st | 30 Years | As low as 5.875% | As low as 6.036% | 6.625% | $5.92 |
5/5 >80% 1st | 30 Years | As low as 6.375% | As low as 6.565% | 6.625% | $6.24 |
Jumbo 2 5/5 >80% 1st | 30 Years | As low as 6.375% | As low as 6.565% | 6.625% | $6.24 |
APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rate and payments adjust only once every 5 years. Rate is variable and can increase by no more than 2.0% every five years with a lifetime cap of 5.0%. 4.00% floor rate applies beginning at first adjustment.
Valid for adjustable rate first mortgages for owner occupied properties. Construction loans are excluded from this offer. Up to 97% maximum loan-to-value for first-time homebuyers, 95% loan-to value for all other purchases. Rate for the remaining term adjusts every five years and is based on the then-current index plus margin, rounded to the nearest eighth of a percentage point, and subject to the floor rate. Index is the one-month average yield of the 10-Year Treasury Note. Rates subject to change; check with Sunward for current rates. Available rate based on credit history. Not everyone will qualify for lowest rate. Third party fees may apply in certain circumstances. Additional fees may apply outside New Mexico. Survey fee may be required. You will receive an estimate of closing costs when you apply. Consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest. You must insure the property that secures the loan. Fees subject to change without notice. If loan does not close, fees incurred will be charged to the member. APR Calculations are based on the following loan amounts for properties located in New Mexico or California: Non-Jumbo: $180,000, Jumbo: $766,550. All loans subject to credit approval. Contact Sunward for details.
1 Since the index in the future is unknown, the Current Calculation of the Rate for the Remaining Term displayed is based on the current index plus margin (fully indexed rate) as of the date above, subject to the floor rate of 4.00%.
2 For loans over $766,550
Term | Points | Rate | APR | Payment Per $1,000 Financed |
30 Year | 0.375% | As low as 6.750% | As low as 6.916% | $6.49 |
30 Year | 0.000% | As low as 6.875% | As low as 6.991% | $6.57 |
30 Year | -0.375% | As low as 7.000% | As low as 7.132% | $6.65 |
20 Year | 0.500% | As low as 6.500% | As low as 6.730% | $7.46 |
20 Year | 0.000% | As low as 6.625% | As low as 6.792% | $7.53 |
20 Year | -0.250% | As low as 6.750% | As low as 6.919% | $7.60 |
15 Year | 0.125% | As low as 6.125% | As low as 6.347% | $8.51 |
15 Year | 0.000% | As low as 6.250% | As low as 6.454% | $8.57 |
15 Year | -0.125% | As low as 6.375% | As low as 6.581% | $8.64 |
10 Year | 0.125% | As low as 6.000% | As low as 6.312% | $11.10 |
10 Year | 0.000% | As low as 6.125% | As low as 6.411% | $11.16 |
10 Year | -0.125% | As low as 6.250% | As low as 6.538% | $11.23 |
APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Valid for fixed rate first mortgages for owner occupied properties. Construction loans are excluded from this offer. Maximum loan to value is 80%. For higher loan to value, consult an Sunward loan officer. Rates subject to change without notice. Third party fees will apply. Fees subject to change without notice. If loan does not close, fees incurred will be charged to the member. You will receive an estimate of closing costs when you apply. Consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest and discount points. You must maintain insurance on the property that secures the loan. APR calculations are based on a loan value of $180,000. All loans subject to credit approval. Contact Sunward for additional details.
Name | Type | Term | Initial Rate | APR | Payment Per $1,000 Financed |
Non-Owner Occupied 5/51 | 1st | 30 year amortization | As low as 6.375% | As low as 6.565% | $6.24 |
Home Equity CreditLine 2 | 1st | 15 years | As low as 7.875% | As low as 8.166% | $9.48 |
Home Equity CreditLine 2 | 2nd w/ Sunward 1st | 15 years | As low as 7.875% | As low as 8.166% | $9.48 |
Vacant Land 3 | 1st | 12 years | As low as 6.875% | As low as 7.096% | $10.22 |
APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Index is the six-month moving average of the yield of the 10-year U.S. Treasury Note. Third party fees may apply in certain circumstances. Additional fees may apply outside New Mexico. Survey fee may be required. You will receive an estimate of closing costs when you apply. Consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest. You must insure the property that secures the loan. Subject to credit approval. Fees subject to change without notice. APR Calculations are based on the following loan amounts: Non-Jumbo: $180,000, Jumbo: $766,550, Vacant Land: $100,000. Available rate based on credit history. Not everyone will qualify for lowest rate.
1 Variable rate loan adjusts up to 2.25% every five years and will not vary more than 4.5% from the rate at issue. 5% floor rate after origination. Loan payments adjusted every five years if necessary. Payments based on 30-year amortization, repayment term of 15 years with a balloon payment at end. Maximum loan to value is 75%.
2 Variable rate loan adjusts quarterly with adjustment not to exceed 0.5% and will not vary more than 7.0%. 5.5% floor rate. Five year draw period and a 15-year repayment period. Payments adjust with every draw and once a year if necessary. Jumbo loans are available; contact Sunward for details.
3 Variable rate loan adjusts up to 2% annually and will not vary more than 6% from the rate at issue. 5% floor rate. Loan payments adjusted every year if necessary. Maximum loan to value is 75%.
Type | Term | APR |
Signature Loan | To 48 months | As low as 9.500% |
Signature Loan | 49-60 months | As low as 10.130% |
Signature CreditLine 1 | 60 months from the last draw | As low as 10.130% |
Adjustable rate loan, subject to change, not everyone will qualify for lowest rate. Available rate is based on credit history and term and rate may be higher than rate(s) listed here. All loans subject to credit approval. Term based on amount financed.
1 Borrow up to your approved credit limit.
Type | Term | Notes |
Savings Secured Loan | Up to 60 months | Contact Sunward for details. |
Certificate Loan | Up to 60 months | Contact Sunward for details. |
Certificate CreditLine | 60 months from the last draw | Contact Sunward for details. |
Variable rate loan. All loans subject to credit approval. Special conditions apply. Check with credit union for details.
Balance | Dividend Rate 1 | APY2 |
$1.00 - $2,500.00 | 3.00% DR | 3.04% APY |
$2,500.01 - $5,000.00 | 1.50% DR | 1.51% APY |
$5,000.01 - $10,000.00 | 0.50% DR | 0.50% APY |
$10,000.01 - $15,000.00 | 0.25% DR | 0.25% APY |
$15,000.01 - $25,000.00 | 0.20% DR | 0.20% APY |
$25,000.01 and over | 0.10% DR | 0.10% APY |
1Dividend rate and APY may change at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
2Annual Percentage Yield (APY) if dividends are not withdrawn during this term. Share accounts are federally insured to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the US Government. Yields are determined at the time of investment. A savings account establishing membership with a $1 minimum deposit is required.
Balance | Dividend Rate 3 | APY 4 |
$100 - $9,999 | 0.05% DR | 0.05% APY |
$10,000 and over | 0.10% DR | 0.10% APY |
3 Dividend rate and APY may change at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
4 Annual Percentage Yield (APY) if dividends are not withdrawn during the term. Share accounts are federally insured to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the US Government. Yields determined at the time of investment.
Balance | Dividend Rate5 | APY6 |
$5 - $9,999 | 0.10% DR | 0.10% APY |
$10,000 and over | 0.15% DR | 0.15% APY |
Call 800.947.5328 to open an IRA.
5 Dividend rate and APY may change at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
6 Annual Percentage Yield (APY) if dividends are not withdrawn during the term. Share accounts are federally insured to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the US Government. Yields determined at the time of investment.
Balance | Minimum Balance | Dividend Rate 7 | APY 8 |
$2,500 - $9,999 | 2500 | 0.25% DR | 0.25% APY |
$10,000 - $24,999 | 10000 | 0.40% DR | 0.40% APY |
$25,000 - $49,999 | 25000 | 0.55% DR | 0.55% APY |
$50,000 and over | 50000 | 0.75% DR | 0.75% APY |
7 Dividend rate and APY may change at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
8 Annual Percentage Yield (APY) if dividends are not withdrawn during the term. Share accounts are federally insured to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the US Government. Yields determined at the time of investment.
Type | Balance | Dividend Rate 9 | APY 10 |
Money Manager 11 | $500 and over | 0.05% DR | 0.05% APY |
Quick Cash 12 | $15 initial deposit | N/A | N/A |
1Dividend rate and APY may change at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
2Annual Percentage Yield (APY) if dividends are not withdrawn during this term. Share accounts are federally insured to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the US Government. Yields are determined at the time of investment. A savings account establishing membership with a $1 minimum deposit is required.
Type 1 | Term | Maximum Combined LTV | Initial Rate | APR | Current Calculation of Rate Remaining Term 2 | Payment Per $1,000 Financed |
5/5 2nd w/ Sunward 1st | 20 Years | 95% | As low as 6.875% | As low as 7.096% | 6.625% | $7.68 |
LTV = Loan-to-value. Index is the one-month average yield of the 10-Year Treasury Note. Third party fees may apply in certain circumstances. Additional fees may apply outside New Mexico. Survey fee may be required. You will receive an estimate of closing costs when you apply. Consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest. You must insure the property that secures the loan. If loan does not close, fees incurred will be charged to the member. Subject to credit approval. Fees subject to change without notice. APR Calculations are based on the following loan amounts: Non-Jumbo: $180,000, Jumbo: $766,550. Available rate based on credit history. Not everyone will qualify for lowest rate. Up to 97% maximum loan-to-value for first-time homebuyers, 95% loan-to value for all other purchases.
1 Rate and payments adjust only once every 5 years. Rate is variable and can increase by no more than 2.0% every five years with a lifetime cap of 5.0%. 4.5% floor rate applies at first adjustment.
2 Since the index in the future is unknown, the Current Calculation of the Rate for the Remaining Term displayed is based on the current index plus margin (fully-indexed rate) as of the date above, subject to the floor rate for the product. Rates are rounded to the nearest eighth of a percentage point (0.125%)
Type | Term | Minimum Line | Rate 1st 3 Months | APR | Current Rate Remaining Term 3 | Maximum Rate |
1st | 20 Years | $35,000 | As low as 6.875% | As low as 7.096% | 6.375% | 14.75% |
2nd w/ Sunward 1st | 20 Years | $10,000 | As low as 6.875% | As low as 7.096% | 6.375% | 15.25% |
No annual fee. Index is the six-month average yield of the 10-Year Treasury Note. Variable rate line of credit with quarterly rate adjustments not to exceed 0.50% each, and rate is capped so it will never be more than 7% above the origination rate. Payments adjust with every draw and once a year if necessary. Ten-year draw period; 20-year repayment period. Available rate based on credit history. Not everyone will qualify for lowest rate.
1 Since the index in the future is unknown, the Current Calculation of the Rate for the Remaining Term displayed is based on the current index plus margin (fully-indexed rate) as of the date above, subject to the floor rate for the product. Rates are rounded to the nearest eighth of a percentage point (0.125%)
Balance | Dividend Rate 3 | APY 4 |
$100 - $9,999 | 0.05% DR | 0.05% APY |
$10,000 and over | 0.10% DR | 0.10% APY |
1 Variable rate loan. 4.0% floor rate. All loans subject to credit approval. Special conditions apply. Check with credit union for details.
Term | Minimum Balance $5,000 | Minimum Balance $25,000 | Minimum Balance $50,000 | Minimum Balance $75,000 | Minimum Balance $100,000 |
14 months | 3.12% DR 3.16 APY | 3.27% DR 3.31% APY | 3.43% DR 3.48% APY | 3.59% DR 3.64% APY | 3.74% DR 3.80% APY |
APY = Annual Percentage Yield. DR = Dividend Rate. APY if dividends are not withdrawn during the term. Share accounts are federally insured to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the U.S. Government. Yields determined at the time of investment. Dividend rate and APY may change at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Minimum $5000 in new money is required, which means funds from sources other than Sunward. Funds currently on deposit in an existing Sunward account are not eligible and cannot be combined with other new money for this special offer. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Available to personal and business members. Sunward reserves the right to end this special at any time.
Term | Minimum Balance $500 |
16 months | 2.96% DR 3.00% APY |
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. DR = Dividend Rate. APY if dividends are not withdrawn during the term. Share accounts are federally insured to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the U.S. Government. Yields determined at the time of investment. Dividend rate and APY may change at the discretion of the Board of Directors. If more than 50% of the balance is withdrawn, a penalty will be applied to the second 50% of the balance that is equivalent to 180 days' worth of dividends on the remaining amount. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Available to personal and business members.
Term | Minimum Balance $500 | Minimum Balance $50,000 | Minimum Balance $100,000 | Minimum Balance $200,000 |
3 months | 3.16% DR 3.20% APY | 3.16% DR 3.20% APY | 3.16% DR 3.20% APY | 3.16% DR 3.20% APY |
6 months | 3.26% DR 3.30% APY | 3.26% DR 3.30% APY | 3.26% DR 3.30% APY | 3.26% DR 3.30% APY |
12 months | 3.30% DR 3.35% APY | 3.35% DR 3.40% APY | 3.40% DR 3.45% APY | 3.45% DR 3.50% APY |
24 months | 2.81% DR 2.84% APY | 2.86% DR 2.89% APY | 2.91% DR 2.94% APY | 2.96% DR 3.00% APY |
36 months | 2.85% DR 2.88% APY | 2.90% DR 2.93% APY | 2.95% DR 2.99% APY | 3.00% DR 3.04% APY |
48 months | 2.25% DR 2.27% APY | 2.30% DR 2.32% APY | 2.35% DR 2.37% APY | 2.40% DR 2.42% APY |
60 months | 2.15% DR 2.17% APY | 2.20% DR 2.22% APY | 2.25% DR 2.27% APY | 2.30% DR 2.32% APY |
APY = Annual Percentage Yield, DR = Dividend Rate. APY if dividends are not withdrawn during the term. Share accounts are federally insured to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the US Government. Yields determined at the time of investment. Dividend Rate and APY may change at the discretion of the Board of Directors. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.
Term | Minimum Balance $500,000 |
24 months | 3.01% DR 3.05% APY |
APY = Annual Percentage Yield, DR = Dividend Rate. APY if dividends are not withdrawn during the term. Share accounts are federally insured to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the US Government. Yields determined at the time of investment. Dividend Rate and APY may change at the discretion of the Board of Directors. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.
Call 800.947.5328 to open an IRA.
Type | Minimum Balance $500 | Minimum Balance $50,000 | Minimum Balance $100,000 | Minimum Balance $200,000 |
18 month Bump Rate Share Certificate | 3.30% DR 3.35% APY | 3.35% DR 3.40% APY | 3.40% DR 3.45% APY | 3.45% DR 3.50% APY |
18 month Bump Rate IRA Share Certificate | 3.35% DR 3.40% APY | 3.40% DR 3.45% APY | 3.45% DR 3.50% APY | 3.50% DR 3.55% APY |
APY = Annual Percentage Yield, DR = Dividend Rate. The dividend rate and APY of the 18-month "bump rate" certificate may be changed to the current dividend rate and APY one time during the term at the owner's option.
APY if dividends are not withdrawn during the term. Share accounts are federally insured to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the US Government. Yields determined at the time of investment. Dividend Rate and APY may change at the discretion of the Board of Directors. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.
Call 800.947.5328 to open an IRA.
Term | Minimum Balance $500 | Minimum Balance $50,000 | Minimum Balance $100,000 | Minimum Balance $200,000 |
3 months | 3.21% DR 3.25% APY | 3.21% DR 3.25% APY | 3.21% DR 3.25% APY | 3.21% DR 3.25% APY |
6 months | 3.31% DR 3.36% APY | 3.31% DR 3.36% APY | 3.31% DR 3.36% APY | 3.31% DR 3.36% APY |
12 months | 3.35% DR 3.40% APY | 3.40% DR 3.45% APY | 3.45% DR 3.50% APY | 3.50% DR 3.55% APY |
24 months | 2.86% DR 2.89% APY | 2.91% DR 2.94% APY | 2.96% DR 3.00% APY | 3.01% DR 3.05% APY |
36 months | 2.90% DR 2.93% APY | 2.95% DR 2.99% APY | 3.00% DR 3.04%APY | 3.05% DR 3.09% APY |
48 months | 2.30% DR 2.32% APY | 2.35% DR 2.37% APY | 2.40% DR 2.42%APY | 2.45% DR 2.47% APY |
60 months | 2.20% DR 2.22% APY | 2.25% DR 2.27% APY | 2.30% DR 2.32% APY | 2.35% DR 2.37% APY |
APY = Annual Percentage Yield, DR = Dividend Rate. APY if dividends are not withdrawn during the term. Share accounts are federally insured to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the US Government. Yields determined at the time of investment. Dividend Rate and APY may change at the discretion of the Board of Directors. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.
Term | Minimum Balance $500,000 |
24 months | 3.06% DR 3.10% APY |
APY = Annual Percentage Yield, DR = Dividend Rate. APY if dividends are not withdrawn during the term. Share accounts are federally insured to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the US Government. Yields determined at the time of investment. Dividend Rate and APY may change at the discretion of the Board of Directors. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.