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Latest Articles - Page 11

Close-up of woman using credit card to tap to pay at store

How Do Sunward’s Credit Cards Stack Up to the Competition?

See how our cards compare to the competition and learn more about our offerings

Man and woman looking at laptop

Applying for a New Mortgage May Trigger Unsolicited Mail

If you have closed on a new home loan, refinanced your mortgage, or opened a Home Equity CreditLine, you may be targeted by unsolicited mail.

The BalanceTrack 'Stay on Track' Summer Contest

Back On Track Summer Contest

Strengthen your financial skills this summer by completing a BalanceTrack module. You’ll earn a chance to win $500!

Sunward Logo

Introducing Sunward’s Newest Branch Managers

Melody Gonzales, Edgewood Branch Manager and Daisy Torrez, Cottonwood Branch Manager

Man on phone

You Asked, We Listened

Sunward has made it easier to get help with auto, home, and personal loans over the phone. 

Phone Wallet

It’s Easy to Pay Quickly with Your Sunward Cards!

Did you know you can store your Sunward credit and debit cards in your mobile wallet?