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Latest Articles - Page 5

Man using tablet and drinking coffee from a green mug

Sunward's Minimum Balance Requirement Now Only $1

SLFCU's minimum balance requirement was reduced from $5 to $1 as of May 2, making membership even more accessible!

woman holding a cell phone and typing on a laptop

Upgraded Sunward Phone System Coming in Mid-May

Here's what members can expect when Sunward upgrades its contact center communications system on May 15, 2024.

Books in Lobby

Thank You for Your Book Donations!

This year’s Read to Me Book Drive collected over 50 boxes of children’s books that were distributed to schools and community groups throughout the Albuquerque area.

Shred Event Donations

Thank You, Members, for Shredding Your Documents for a Cause!

Sunward’s spring “Shred Your Documents for a Cause” event was held on Saturday, April 13 at our Juan Tabo and Cottonwood branches in Albuquerque. 

Young woman typing on a laptop in a restaurant.

How to Find Your Sunward Account Number

Need to find your Sunward account number? Here are three ways to do so.

man and woman talking with another man

$2,000 of Insurance Coverage

Members: Your $2,000 of no-cost TruStage™ Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage, courtesy of Sunward, is now available for you to claim.