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Sunward Board of Directors Election and Annual Membership Meeting Notice


As directed by the bylaws of Sunward, a Nominating Committee has been appointed to carry out the election of the Board of Directors. The Committee has proposed the following candidates for the three Board positions open for election in February 2025: Simon Goldfine, Kim Hedrich, and Alex Riebli. The background and experience of the candidates nominated by the Nominating Committee can be found here. These individuals have demonstrated a willingness to donate the time needed to be responsible Board members.

As directed in the bylaws, other candidates may be nominated by petition of the membership. No nominations will be accepted from the floor at the Annual Meeting. In the event that there are more nominees than vacancies to be filled, all candidates and their qualifications will be presented to the Membership by ballot, which will be available no later than January 20, 2025. A list of nominees will be posted at each Sunward branch on January 15, 2025. If there is only one nominee for each vacancy, the nominees will be approved by acclamation.

Results of the election will be announced at the Annual Membership Meeting, which will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (MT) on February 19, 2025. Details for this meeting will be available on Sunward’s website.

Minutes from the 2024 Annual Membership Meeting can be viewed here.

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