Sunward offers loan consolidation to help save you money on student loan payments once you’ve completed school. Combine multiple loans for one simple monthly payment. Or refinance your federal or private loan from another lender to get our great rates and service.
Consolidation is available for private student loans and government loans. You can view the list of eligible schools from within the application. Rates and approval are based on credit history; applying with a cosigner can increase your likelihood of approval and may result in a lower loan rate.
Minimum amount to consolidate: $7,500
Maximum amount: Undergraduate loans - $120,000; Combined undergraduate and graduate - $160,000
The repayment period for consolidated loans is up to 15 years. Sunward offers two repayment options:
You may prepay the loan partially or in full with no prepayment penalties. Cosigners are eligible to be released from the loan once the borrower is in full repayment status and has made 24 consecutive on-time payments. You can get a 0.25% rate reduction, subject to the floor rate, by making automated electronic payments. Certain potential benefits of federal student loans may be forgone by refinancing those loans with a private student loan consolidation. Please review the terms of your federal loan(s) to determine if consolidation is right for you. You will receive access to the LendKey website, where you can manage your loan, as part of the application process.
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