Sunward's new online banking system for personal accounts will mean easier navigation, more features, improved design, and a unified experience across desktop and mobile devices.
- The new system will be available for personal accounts in early 2018. Watch your email or for information on the expected launch date and any related CU@home Online/Mobile and bill pay unavailability.
- The new mobile apps will be supported on the two most recent major versions of iOS (currently iOS 10 and 11) and Android™ version 5.0 (Lollipop) and newer. The full site will be supported on the latest two versions of most browsers. Visit for a full list of system requirements.
- A valid email address will be required in order to view your accounts; the first time you log in you will be prompted to verify or provide your email address.
- The URL for the online banking system will change. We encourage members to log in from
What Isn’t Changing
- Your username and password will remain the same.
- Your bill payees, bills, and scheduled payments will transfer into the new system.
- Scheduled transfers will be moved into the new system.
Items You Will Need to Set Up Again
- Security questions
- Alerts
- Mobile app users will need to delete the current Sunward app and download the new one.
What You Need to Do Right Now
- Review your transfers and bill payments in CU@home to familiarize yourself with how you have things set up.
Step-By-Step Instructions for the First Time You Log In
- Visit, and log in with your online banking username for the old system.
- On the following screen, enter your password for the old system.
- Set up your security questions.
- Confirm, update, or enter your email address and phone number. A valid email address is required for security purposes.
- Read and accept the Terms & Conditions.
- Follow the instructions to confirm that you are able to view PDF documents. You will be prompted to open a PDF and provide the code in the PDF.
What YOU Should Do
- Set up alerts. Any alerts you had set up in CU@home will not be transferred, and many more alert options are available in the new system. Go to Settings > Notifications.
- Designate or add your cell phone number. This allows you to receive text message alerts or use text messages for two-factor authentication. Go to Settings > Contact Information.
- Set up two-factor authentication for additional security. You can choose to receive a text, email, or automated call. Go to Settings > Security.
- Review your transfers and bill payments in CU@home to familiarize yourself with how you have things set up. After the launch, check these items to ensure that everything is set up correctly.
Visit to learn more about the new online banking system, to see frequently asked questions, and more.
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