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Teen Article: From Dishwashing to Dollars

Sunward Teen Member Daniel Gonzales

Hi! I’m Daniel and my first job as a dishwasher has been an interesting experience. First off, I wanted to get a job because I wanted to open up my savings account as soon as I could so I can do something extraordinary before getting out of high school. Second off, I’m learning how to manage my money in order to make good spending habits now. My job as a dishwasher is teaching me work ethic, as well as a good sense of money management and discipline. Eventually, I can say that I have experience working and know how it feels to work hard for something. 

Making and managing your money is very rewarding because this can lead to greater rewards if you build interest and keep it in your savings account. The interest can become greater the more money you save. Keeping track of everything you spend makes money management much easier.

Towards the end of the week, earning my paycheck always feels good. The first thing I do with my money is deposit more than half of it into my savings. Then I put the rest of my money into my checking account. Learning how to manage my money and keep track of it is always interesting. I can see the progress of how much my accounts have grown since I first opened them.  Earning interest along the way is nice because it is basically free money being added to my pocket. Depositing my money into my savings account will help me make more money that will go towards “The Big Trip" going outside the country. As I use the resources available in Sunward’s online banking system, I can get an overview of how much money I’ve saved up towards my goal! 

Teens Can Get $100

Sunward members age 13-17 are invited to submit an article on a financial topic to be considered for publication in our Dollars & Sense newsletter and on our website. Teens are awarded $100 for published articles. Visit for details, topic suggestions, and to submit an article. Sunward will review all submissions and respond within 30 days.

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