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Sunward 2023 Scholarship Competition: $4,000 Top Award

Application Deadline: Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Sunward members attending college in 2023-2024 are invited to enter our annual essay scholarship competition. A total of nine scholarships will be awarded, with a top award of $4,000. Applicants must be new or returning students with a minimum 2.5 GPA who will attend a full-time bachelor’s or master’s program at an accredited institution. Previous winners are welcome to enter.

The essay must be 500 words or fewer in length and address the topic: "Imagine you've been asked to teach someone about money management. What topic(s) would you cover first and why?"

Applications must include a letter of recommendation, resume, grade transcript, and a short essay in PDF format. Entries must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday, May 31, 2023. Only applications fully completed by the deadline will be accepted.

Winners will be notified in August 2023 and announced publicly in September. Learn more and get application details at


Volunteer Judges Needed

Sunward seeks volunteer judges to help select winning entries for our 2023 scholarship competition. Judging is completed online and involves scoring student essays. If you would like to participate and are an Sunward member at least 18 years old, visit and click on “Volunteer to be a judge.”

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