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New Mexico Credit Unions Connected Academy Match Month

Double the Love of Learning!

During a significant health crisis, a child’s education often stops. If they miss more than 10 consecutive days of school, they are often disenrolled. High school dropout rates for children with chronic absenteeism due to health issues can be as high as 61%. Sunward has joined six other credit unions to help fund a full-time teacher for the UNM Children’s Hospital (UNMCH).

We are committed to raising at least $200,000 on behalf of the New Mexico Credit Unions Connected Academy (NMCUCA) to help build an endowment fund large enough to provide a long-term teaching position at UNMCH. To aid in reaching our goal, Sunward will match all donations received for NMCUCA in September, up to a collective total of $5,000.

Donations can be made at any Central New Mexico branch by buy a Hope Heart, purchasing a Sandy the Lab stuffed animal, or making a cash donation. Thank you for helping critically ill children have an opportunity to continue learning. 

To learn more about our efforts and how you can help, visit

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