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Meet Steph Sherrodd – Sunward’s New CEO

Steph Sherrodd pictured with her husband and their two sonsA Westerner by birth, Stephanie Sherrodd (or Steph, as she prefers) is excited to get back to wide-open spaces and the mountains she loved while growing up. Originally from Wyoming, but having moved to Texas later in life, the opportunity to live in New Mexico and take the helm of a credit union with a proud history and solid operations was just what she was seeking.

“Sunward is a leading credit union, not just in the state, but more widely, too. I plan to work with our team to continue its trajectory of smart growth, employee engagement, and profitability,” says Steph. “This is a unique organization that has grown to the benefit of its members. I see great opportunities ahead.”

Embarking upon her credit union career right out of college, Steph recently celebrated her 24th year working in an industry known for its commitment to members, employees, and local communities. As CEO of Texas Dow Employees Credit Union in Houston, Texas, Steph was proud to lead this commitment in action as the city weathered floods, hurricanes, and the COVID-19 pandemic. With experience running a $4 billion credit union of more than 350,000 members, Steph sees great synergy between her past and her future.

At Sunward, she plans to put into action her deep knowledge of forming strategic partnerships, as well as the negotiation and navigation skills she has previously demonstrated in leading six credit union mergers, a multi-branch acquisition, multiple Credit Union Service Organization acquisitions, and planning for organic business growth.

On the personal side, Steph and her husband are eager to enjoy the many outdoor activities offered by the Land of Enchantment. “I’m looking forward to learning the Albuquerque, Livermore, and Farmington communities – and discovering new opportunities for our Credit Union.”

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