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In the Community


Sunward hosted our semi-annual shredding event in October and asked participating members to bring a non-perishable food donation for the Rio Grande Food Project, or a monetary donation for the New Mexico Credit Unions Connected Academy (NMCUCA). As always, our members responded generously, donating more than two barrels of food for the Rio Grande Food Project and $290 for our NMCUCA fundraising efforts.

We Gave $20,000,000 Back to Our Members in 2019. #SLFCUMembershipPaysTHANK YOU!

Sunward's growth and strength are testaments to our members’ loyalty and fiscal responsibility. To help express our gratitude, Sunward gave $20,000,000 back to our members in the form of a special dividend. We were able to do this because of your commitment and belief in us. Thank you for doing business with Sunward. We are grateful for the trust you extend to us.

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