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Sunward Donates to Programs Helping Children in Foster Care

New Mexico Kids Matter is the voice for more than 1,000 kids in the foster care system. Sunward is pleased to have provided a $5,000 grant to this important organization.

As a non-profit organization in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the group advocates for and works with children in the foster care system who have experienced abuse or neglect. “Our goal is to help make sure that these children grow up in a safe, nurturing, and permanent home,” shared CASA Executive Director Veronica Montaño-Pitch.

NM Kids Matter works with Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers who speak for and work on behalf of the children in the system. Their job is to ensure that the kids are receiving the best care possible.

According to CASA volunteer Maureen Martinick, “Being a CASA volunteer is so important because it allows for the children to have one person who is there for them at every turn. CASA volunteers are there for the foster children when working with parents, teachers, caseworkers, doctors, and therapists to help give recommendations to the judge in charge of their case. They often are the only consistent person in the child’s life and help to rebuild trust so that the kids can be more successful in school and find a safe, permanent home.”

New Mexico Kids Matter is working tirelessly to provide the safest care they can to the children in their network, especially during the pandemic. Executive Director Montaño-Pilch says “We are working in a different way than before with hearings and visitations held remotely or in parks so we keep in line with social distancing.”

Sunward members can also help this worthy organization. The need is great for disposable face masks to help keep the kids safe, along with art supplies, bottled waters, hand sanitizers, and sunscreen. Monetary donations are also greatly appreciated. To find out more about New Mexico Kids Matter and how you can help, please visit or call 505.903.0305

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