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Edgewood Branch Meets Member Needs

Edgewood Branch Meets Member NeedsDavid Stout joined Sunward in 1976 after starting a new job with Sandia National Laboratories. He had just left the military and was interested in buying a house with his wife.

“The bank didn’t want to finance my mortgage because I had just gotten out of the military, and to them, I seemed unreliable,” David remembers. “We decided to check out Sunward, and the process was much simpler. So we closed our accounts with the bank and have been with the Credit Union ever since.”

David has worked at the Labs for 34 years and has lived in Edgewood since 1979. Now retired, he and his wife are pleased they can take care of all of their financial needs close to home. “The new Edgewood branch really portrays what Sunward is all about — very nice, friendly, open, and now it has safe deposit boxes,” David says. “It’s for the people, just closer to home.”

When David found a truck he wanted to purchase, he had a few questions about getting an auto loan, and he sought out Teller/Financial Service Officer Darla Russell. “I sat down to talk to her, and within minutes it was done. She ran my credit report and got me qualified,” he says. “The loan was approved and money was in the account all within 15 minutes!”

The friendly staff and a small town feel in Edgewood impress David. “I’m from a small town, and it reminds me of that small town atmosphere. The staff are good people, someone you can always go to in order to get advice on all sorts of loans. They are looking out for our interests, not just theirs.”

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