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Building a Career Based on the Credit Union Difference

Pictured: Card Services Manager Jeff Morris and his son, Skyler, a 2017 Sunward intern (Photo by Norman Johnson)

Pictured: Ethan Wente, sitting on the new drifter, and his Bro Business coworkersWhen Card Services Manager Jeff Morris was 20 years old, his sister – branch manager of a bank in Amarillo – suggested he look for a job with a financial institution. Jeff applied at his top three choices: two banks and Sunward. 

During the interview process, the credit union difference was obvious, and he knew he wanted to be a part of it. “The bank interviews were very sales driven,” Jeff says. “I had to pitch a product to a panel. In contrast, at my Sunward interview, I learned about the culture.”

Right away he received offers from the banks, but he waited. “Just when I was going to call the human resources department to ask for an update, the phone rang and I was offered the job at Sunward.”

In his 14 years with the Credit Union, Jeff was a teller, a Contact Center representative, and a trainer before moving to Card Services, where he has managed the department for the last five years. “I have always been encouraged here. Sunward provided the direction, and it was up to me to take the steps.” 

Jeff is a 2017 graduate of the Western CUNA Management School, where he served as class president and received the Charles M. Clark Memorial Award for his leadership and service. He plans to continue his education with a master’s degree in economics or an MBA.

Jeff’s son Skyler was a summer intern at Sunward in 2017. “He’s seen the opportunities I’ve had and what a great career this can be, so he wanted to learn more about what I do.” 

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