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Congratulations to Our 2021 Scholarship Winners

Five Students Awarded a Total of $10,000

For 27 years, Sunward has supported student members with annual essay scholarship competitions. We extend our best wishes to our 2021 scholarship winners and give our thanks to the 19 members who volunteered as judges.

Of the 94 applications submitted, five students received awards ranging from $1,000 to $4,000. Student essays addressed the question, “Describe the person who has most influenced your money decisions and how their influence has impacted your financial behaviors.” Following are excerpts from the top three winning essays.

Carson StockCarson Stock First Place Through my grandfather’s advice, I have learned to be discerning with how I spend and mindful of how I save, making sure that I always have enough to continue his legacy of generosity, while still being able to pursue my own passions and interests. If that means sporting a few thrifted t-shirts along the way, that’s more than fine with me.

Carson Stock attends the University of Oklahoma, double-majoring in Entrepreneurship and Economics.

Abigail WillisAbigail Willis – Second Place Although I cannot shop a shoe sale better because of my dad, I am grateful for his influence and support in coaching me through my financial decisions. What started out as a jar system to budget my birthday money has turned into the skills I need to navigate the financial world.

Abigail Willis attends Corban University, pursuing an Interdisciplinary Study with an emphasis in education and business.

Megan RugglesMegan Ruggles – Third Place Growing up hearing about Morfar’s childhood and seeing how he practiced frugality has influenced how I handle my finances. Since my first job as a hostess in high school, I have put 50% of my paycheck into savings and continued this approach through every job I have worked in college.

Megan Ruggles will attend American University to pursue a Master’s degree in Journalism and Public Affairs (Investigative Specialty).

Additional 2021 Sunward Scholarship Winners

(in alphabetical order)

Kaileah Hawk-Lowenstein attends Pacific University, studying Education. Taylor Pouges will attend the University of North Carolina at Greensboro to pursue a degree in Fashion Merchandising. 

Information about our 2022 scholarship competition will appear on our website and in the April 2022 edition of Dollars & Sense.

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