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Congratulations to Our 2020 Scholarship Winners

Five Students Awarded a Total of $10,000

For the past 26 years, Sunward has supported student members with annual essay scholarship competitions. We extend our best wishes to our 2020 scholarship winners, and our thanks to the 27 members who volunteered their time as judges.

Of the 123 applications submitted, five students received awards ranging from $1,000 to $4,000. Student essays addressed the question, “Do you believe people should choose a career based on the potential salary, or because they are passionate about the work? Why?” Following are excerpts from the top three winning essays:

Abigail Kalinowski  Abigail KalinowskiFirst Place A higher income alone does not correspond to greater financial prudence, and people should not enter an occupation solely for the wage. After all, money is simply a means to the pleasures of life rather than an end in itself. Thus, since a career is often a lifelong commitment, it should not only provide the means of living, but bring purpose to life.

Abigail attends the University of Mary, studying Nursing.

Mia Kroeter Mia Kroeter – Second Place Doing something you are passionate about gives you the particular talent of never growing weary of your work, always striving to take each step with the greatest lengths of love. That is why I believe that a career should be something one is passionate about; it allows you to serve others because no matter what challenge you face, you will muster the courage to carry it through.

Mia will attend Benedictine College to pursue a double major in Theology and Music.

Mark Joseph Mark Joseph – Third Place People should pursue a balance of passion and salary in their career goals. An individual that pursues a passion finds self-actualization, but she may not acquire funds for her basic welfare. If family members depend on her, she could follow salary exclusively over passion. But, when she combines her skillsets with passions, mankind will benefit most. That route is how my mom started her telemedicine company after working as a well-compensated software engineer and passionate acupuncturist.

Mark attends Loyola Marymount University, studying Filmmaking.

Additional 2020 Sunward Scholarship Winners

(in alphabetical order)

Monique Quihuis attends Texas Christian University, pursuing a double major in Criminal Justice and Political Science.

Matthew Tyrrell will attend the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology to study Mechanical Engineering

Information about our 2021 scholarship competition will appear on and in the April 2021 edition of the Dollars & Sense newsletter.

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