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2018 Scholarship Winners

12 Students Awarded a Total of $10,000

Congratulations to Sunward’s essay scholarship winners, and thank you to the 17 members who volunteered their time as judges. This is the 24th year Sunward has awarded college scholarships. Watch and the Dollars & Sense newsletter next spring for information about our 2019 scholarships.

Of the 106 applications submitted, 12 winners were selected to receive awards ranging from $250 to $3,000. Students submitted essays describing their past or future savings goal and how they achieved or planned to achieve it. Here are excerpts from the top three winning essays:  

Rebecca RestrepoRebecca Restrepo First Place With a coupon clutched in my hand, I raced to the store straight for the trampoline section…. Tears sprung to my eyes, as the net cost an extra $150, and as a result, we couldn’t buy my dear trampoline. In the car on the way home, my dad advised me to not be so glum, and instead to take my money and save it for a rainy day…. Even though I did not end up with the trampoline, I realized that I have the grit to achieve my goals both financially and personally.

Rebecca attends Cornell University.

Anokhi KholwadwalaAnokhi Kholwadwala – Second Place In preparation for learning how to skateboard, I took up yoga to improve my balance. Once I had accomplished this, I had one more hoop to jump through: saving up to buy a board…. Eventually, after a month and a half, I had saved $130 and went to a local skate shop, proudly returning home with a brand new skateboard. After a couple of days of using YouTube tutorials, I was able to cruise the streets, an exciting milestone for me.

Anokhi will attend the University of Southern California.

Abigail WillisAbigail Willis – Third Place When I was younger, I began to save money for various expenses. I did this by storing my money in a set of labeled jars. These jars were labeled college, bank, car, tithe, and me. Next to the titles, I had listed a percentage that told me how much money to put in each container…. This showed me that I had to choose what I was going to spend my money on, because the money was not endless.

Abigail will attend Corban University.


Oscar Scott Burgess will attend the University of New Mexico.

William Geck attends the University of New Mexico.

Rylie Grier attends the University of New Mexico.

Jennifer Schilling attends San Jose State University.

Camille Simmons will attend Pomona College.

Dalia Slavin attends the University of Texas at Austin.

Quinntita Sniegowski attends Texas Tech University.

Two recipients prefer to remain anonymous.

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